More parts incoming…

Sorry for the long silence, but I managed to put some more work into this lately and there are 51 more parts on their way! These will be the last of the parts I can provide – I’m missing the rest.

After this, I will be releasing all the rest of the medals I have, so we will finally be able to play with higher-level medals.

There is no preview today – you’ll just have to hold on a little longer!

4 thoughts on “More parts incoming…

  1. Hey man would it be possible for you to make a how to play video or something visual like that? Using tts or similar. Thanks dude


    1. Hey Daniel! Sorry for the delay – my love for games has resulted in my opening a small card game shop! That definitely means I’ve had less time to get these things done, but I promise my interest hasn’t waned and I’m working on it in bits and pieces! I’ll try to soon have the rest ready to go, then I’ll outline here which cards I’m missing, so we can try to get the community together and get it done!


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